Mrs. I Is Back And Crushes The Cum Out Hard Of The Slave With Sexy Wild Diva Pumps – High Heels Crush Trample Shoejob
Many of you may remember sexy Mrs. I from our previous videos. She made some harsh shoejobs with the slave about 2 or 3 years ago, before moving on with her career as a manager at a super luxurious hotel in the Caribbean. What you guys dont know is that she used to be the business center clerk on the same hotel where Mrs. E works nowadays as a manager. Mrs I has been out some time and decided to spend the holidays back at home town and chose to make a visit to her once work place. She contacted the slave to see if he was in town and to her surprise he was staying at her previous hotel so she arranges for a meeting with the slave. She intends to follow up on him after 2 years away. When she goes to the slaves room and finds that he has a cock box, she goes nuts with it. She had never seen one and was always curious on how to use it. Now that she knows, the slave is in for a threat he will never forget, SHe is wearing a really sexy white blouse, jean, tan stocking and her sexy wild diva pumps (she wore for the holidays). SHe crushes the slaves cock as usual and grinds it really hard. The soles are filthy and you see how dirt is staying on the slaves cocks and balls as she crushes them. She gets bored and hops onto the cockbox and orders the slave to get ready. What comes after is indescribable. She stomps, twists, grinds and crushes the slaves cocks and balls real hard until the point he cant take it and shoots a massive load. The action is shown from to cameras (one aiming at the cockbox and the other from the slaves POV) Dont miss this great video as you will love to see how she literally crushes the cum out of his cock and balls real HARD!!!
Date: September 2, 2020
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