Miss Madison is kicking back on the bed putting on fishnet stockings as well as an attractive green skirt/ top combination. Kiss my feet, servant she tells him. Her luscious full breasts look like they are ready to break out of her top. If you do that well I might offer you something extra she claims to encourage him. Naturally hes currently thinking about licking her asshole. After some initiative she gets up on all fours and also informs him to sniff her butt. This piggy is constantly hungry for my butt she states. She then has him take down her skirt and says she knows he wishes to stick his tongue through the netting on her pantyhose right onto her sweet little rosebud. First he has to kiss her butt cheeks though as she advises him there is more to the butt than simply the asshole. Miss Madison after that slides off the pantyhose and states her sweetheart is coming by to fuck her butt and also she desires it loosened up initial with the slaves tongue. If hes fortunate hell obtain his tongue back in there after her guy leaves as well. She lays on her side as well as he slides his tongue up and down and also into her hole. Madison purrs with joy. She checks out the mirror to see herself as well as her butt licker hard at the workplace. Good camera work below as you get a fantastic view of her ass and also pussy. She giggles as the slave makes love to her hole and afterwards she has him return to gaze at it and after that informs him to obtain his mouth snugly over her hole. I recognize what you like best of all, being my fucking commode she states.
Date: November 6, 2023
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