~A custom clip in which no names are used.~ His (lengthy) request: u201cPlease do a mindfuck/mesmerize exu0117cutrix clip with effects/theme much like u2018Deception of Reality.u2019 Hu00ffpnotu012bze me using your pantyhose-clad legs. Program me to believe your hosiery/suggestions can control me so deeply that you can make me cum hands-free, make me orgasm so intensely that the pleasure mysteriously, fatally overloads my mind and nervous system (a deu0101th-gasm, if you will.) As in u2018Deception,u2019 there would be no commands to engage in any self harm. Please seduce me through 3 levels of trance depth in segments lasting a few minutes each, making me stare at your beautiful hosed legs/feet and dangling high heels as you wickedly seduce me deeper into subspace. Trigger me to sink into level 2 by allowing one shoe to fall off, teasing of my coming demise and dangling the other a few minutes before allowing the second to fall, triggering me to level 3, the point of no return. With both your nylon-clad feet fully visible, your power over me is strongest and you evilly tease and bru00e4inwash me into such a state of thrillingly and scary but also a blissful submissive state where you warn Ill be trapped forever. My only means of escape being to submit to your sinister suggestions to cum and perish in pleasure for your pantyhose. Tease me and keep narrating how the pleasure is overwhelming and ku00eflling me simply because my mind and body obey your orders. Command me to feel my ability to draw air reduce proportionally to my mounting pleasure. As I get closer to orgasm for your powerful pantyhose, wickedly describing my slow suffu00f6cation for your stocking feet. Im very turned on by being directly told frequently u2018du00efe for me/my nylons,u2019 u2018cum to deu00e4thu2019 and u2018cum and du00efeu2019 but only wish for talk of my deu00e4th to be mysterious and abstract without stating realistic causes of deu00e4th such as heart attack, stroke, etc. Please do not just end immediately after commanding me to cum and du00efe for you and your pantyhose; the hottest part is feeling the pleasure rack through me endlessly as I hear this wicked black widow enjoying my helpless submission to her complete evil power over me. Last notes: please wear non-patterned, black nylons with matching lingerie and traditional, dangle-friendly pumps. Please do not remove the hosiery, Ill need to see your beautiful hosed legs/feet to climax hands-free. And to clarify what I meant by the clip having u2018no instructions to self-harmu2019 I refer to a lack of orders to physically carry out any particular act in the real world like bagging myself or ingesting harmful things, etc. The fantasy is all about pretending your seduction and hu00ffpnu00f6tic suggestions can directly do these implausible things. Unlike with u2018Deceptionu2019 however, I am wanting to hear you telling me directly to du00efe without framing it as escape to real life. This villainess character most definitely wants me to know what is really happening to me, and wants to toy with my subconscious struggle between survival and submitting to seduction and pleasurable bliss.u201d ,
Date: January 16, 2023
Actors: The Mistress B
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