Welcome Sara Jane Ceylon to Hogtied. The word toughdoesnt even comeclose to describing this hot natural blond. Saraloves bondage-the tighterthe better. So of course we gave her our tightest!4 out ofthe 5 scenes warrant ourprestigious category 5 rating. Were talking aboutties so tough that mostpeople cannot stand themfor very long. Sarah, being the amazing girl sheis, took them in stride. Check out the brutalstrappado, wristssuspension, and back-breaking arches. Sara did itall! Dont forget to add on thetickling, caning, foot torment, assfucking, doublepenetration and massive orgasms! Here you haveanotherHogtied classic for thegenerations.
Date: May 23, 2022
Actors: Sarah Jane Ceylon
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