Summer has arrived and Mistress Kandy loves to make hubby (YOU) suffer as she parades around in her bikini picking up new fuck buddies at the pool. And there are plenty of hot, toned, young men for her to choose from. She has just made you clean the cum out of her pussy from the previous lover, and you didnt do a complete job of that. She has another date coming, so get to work cuckie, make her pussy clean for the next guy! Remember, wherever he cums on her body- breasts, ass, pussy, even feet, you must suck and lick off every trace of his jizz.
Date: April 20, 2022
Actors: Mistress Kandy
Femdom / Masturbation / POVMistress Kandy, Ass, Bikini, Breasts, Cum, Date, Dirty, Domination, Femdom, Fuck, Goddess, Hubby, Jerk Off, Jizz, Licking, Masturbation, Mistress, Pool, Pov, Pussy, Sucking, Worship, Young, Dirty Talk, Joi, Mistress Kandy, Dirty Talk, Femdom Pov, Bikini G
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